Introducing Solid Food To Babies

Introducing Solid Food To Babies

When To Introduce It And What To Prepare

Babies should start eating solid food from six months of age. However, each baby is an individual on its own, so some babies may be ready for this type of food even before that time, and some after that time. We can offer you recipes for preparing the first solid meals for babies, which you can view at Stage 1 Baby Food Recipes.

You yourself can best judge whether your baby is ready to start eating solid food or not. If you are still not sure, here are some signs that can show you whether your baby is ready for this stage or not. Your baby needs to be able to hold his head up in an upright position, then the baby needs to be able to sit up with more or less support. If you notice that the baby has started to put his hands and toys in his mouth, it means that he is ready for solid food. There are some other sure signs that you can check out at Stage 1 Baby Food Recipes.

Stage 1 Baby Food Recipes

It is best for the baby’s first food to be pureed from one food. You can make mashed potatoes from carrots, avocados, bananas and other similar foods. After some time getting used to the texture of this food, you can start adding other foods. For example, you can add egg yolks to carrots, or you can add well-mashed meat to sweet potatoes.

Since babies can be allergic to certain foods, it is best to give one type of food for about 5 days, in order to make sure that your baby is not allergic to it. And so continue whenever you introduce a new food into your baby’s diet.

If you want to find out which are the best food recipes for your baby, just one click on Stage 1 Baby Food Recipes is enough. Here you will find everything you need to know about the first stage of feeding your baby.